The Tiffany Rufino Agency:

Minding YOUR Business, So You Don't Have To.

“I am always amazed by the powerful woman I am blessed to know, and Tiffany is by far at the top.I knew of her - was told, “you need to meet her!" I was blown away by her knowledge, expertise in her field and how she engaged and drew me in. I was enthralled and needed to know her!! I want to be a better speaker and thought “I want to be in her space.” I am currently taking a class "Womens V.O.I.C.E.S." where women's voices are celebrated and amplified. We are together to share our story hoping it will inspire you and give you reason to think - What's your story? My story is not one I've shared and so piecing it together has been challenging and difficult but I believe it will help someone else.” - Barbara Flach

“Taking the class "Women's Voices' was well worth it- Self esteem, professionally, financially, and most of all connecting with others in the class. Tiffany didn't just teach us, she inspired and instigated each of us to open up, grow, experience and practice in a comfortable, safe, non judgmental, atmosphere. I am forever grateful Tiffany created this course and I was able to be part of this class.” - Sheri Kline


Tiffany has an amazing ability to focus on bringing the best out in you. She did for me! I not only gained amazing “take-aways” from her class, which I was able to apply to my life and my business,but most importantly, I feel more confident and empowered to handle challenges to come! Thank you, Tiffany! ❤️
— Joanie McManus
Tiffany is a kind, intelligent coach who helps her clients through encouragement and support to empower them to be the best version of themselves. Her caring and compassionate nature shines through everywhere she goes and I highly recommened you work with her to overcome your fears that are holding you back from achieving more.
— Lora Fickett
Tiffany’s unique approach on business and outlook on the work force is what every entrepreneur needs. She is communicative and passionate about coaching her clients to excel in their businesses. She just has something about her I’ve never seen in these other consultants. Tiffany is truly a gem 💗 and every business owner needs a person like her in their corner!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
— Jaclyn Eva
I really want to say thank you! It was you taking the time out and really pushing me and teaching me all the things I needed to learn to do what I do now! You got me out my comfort zone and I’m forever grateful for you coming into my life at the time that you did! Without you I wouldn’t be here running my own business and now teaching what you taught me to all my employees! Thank you for making a huge impact in my life! 🙏🏽🙌🏼💪🏽❤️
— Will Todd
Tiffany is truly doing her calling. The exhale of relief after a conversation with her is like no other. No matter the reason for her services, learning a new way of thinking, strengthening your tool box or in my case, just needing that kick of an old friend. Just reminding me “you got this”...she’s the one. Once you have someone like Tiffany in your life, you will always have someone in your corner. Thank you!
— Amanda Siegel

Public Relations

Enhance your brand’s reputation and visibility with our PR services. We specialize in managing media relations, crisis situations, and devising strategic communication plans to improve and safeguard your brand’s image.

Executive Coaching

Energize Leadership! Our executive coaching program revs up your leadership team, arming them with the skills to ignite innovation, energize teams, and lead with unwavering confidence in your organization.

Change Management

Transitioning smoothly is what we do best. When it comes to mergers, acquisitions, or reshaping your organization, count on us to make the process easy for your team and stakeholders.

Marketing and Branding

Our focus is on taking your brand to the next level. We excel in crafting engaging marketing campaigns, defining distinct brand identities, and making the most of digital platforms to help you connect with a wider audience.

Strategic Business Planning

Let's get down to business! Our Strategic Business Planning services are like your business's personal GPS. We'll help you set goals, discover exciting growth possibilities, and whip up some practical strategies to make sure your business reaches its destination.

Human Resources Solutions

Our HR game is all about building a motivated and highly skilled crew. From talent scouting to boosting skills, nailing performance, and ramping up employee happiness, we're into all of it, guided by the principles of Industrial Organizational Psychology,